The Glittering Caves

...evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the torches pass on into another chamber and another dream.

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Location: Maryland, United States

I'd rather be in Scotland. But I'm blessed where I am right now.

Friday, March 09, 2007


no not trying to be smart like "happyness". just busy-ness. alhamdulillah!

well, so i photographed a wedding a couple of weekends ago, and had to put CDs together for the couple. then i signed up for a photography project for CAIR and that has been keeping me very busy, plus we are getting ready to make a move so i have been cleaning the house (like for real, not like the fake cleaning i do most of the time). plus i'm still doing those dining reviews. and all of that is on top of full-time parenting.

(funny, i just googled CAIR so i could get their proper address to link above, and the second google entry is actually crazy people...)
(wow, you can actually get anti-CAIR t-shirts and hats!)

anyway! i have also accepted some more freelance stuff from my old newspaper, and i have three stories waiting to be finished, so i need to get cracking on that too. so every time i think i will sit down and write that blog post i've been waiting to do, i feel guilty because i should be doing something else instead.

but guilt never lasts with me... somewhere in my youth or childhood (ha ha), i developed a mechanism to push away thoughts that make me feel bad about myself, because they're so bad to feel :). so, right now i actually have a break, and i am blogging... will go finish off that other post!

oh, and my dad is soooo cool mashallah!


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