The Glittering Caves

...evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the torches pass on into another chamber and another dream.

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Location: Maryland, United States

I'd rather be in Scotland. But I'm blessed where I am right now.

Friday, June 30, 2006

a walk in the park

took musa on a hike yesterday - a tiny hike, which i took him on once as a fetus :) before i knew he was a he. the afternoon was mild at centennial lake, cloudy, warm but not sultry. i parked and put him face-forward in the babybjorn for the first time - he seemed to like it, and held onto my finger as i kept my arms around him. i tried to point out things to him (though of course he looked wherever he wanted), tried to notice things myself again: tiny new leaves curling out brightly against the already midsummer-deep-green of the rest of a tree, little birds taking sudden flight from the path and disturbing bits of bark in their wake. walked through a couple of gossamers. the small route i took goes through a patch of woods so small that you can always see the edge of it wherever you are - either the parking lot behind you, the open, paved path on one side or the lake on the other. we stopped by the lake for a few minutes so he could take in the water, then walked up to the main part of the park, next to the pavilion, and sat for a little while on a bench facing a meadow thick with summer vegetation - white clover at its feet, rabbits bouncing into its deep grasses. honeysuckle (still?) threaded through a short fir tree next to the bench, all the way to its top. passersby smiled at musa... but he didn't like sitting too long, and when i saw a bug that might have been a mosquito perched on his fat little middle finger i stood up to go. was thinking of going to the library after that - they have on thursday evenings an activity for parents and infants - but he fell asleep after two minutes in the car, so i came home and made honey-baked chicken, couscous and salad for dinner...
last night, it might have been the mylicon and gripe water, but musa managed to sleep from about 12:30 (when we usually go to bed) until AFTER fajr, about 6 a.m. or so, then after nursing again until 9. i still woke up at night when he fussed in his sleep, but still... major accomplishment. now let's see if we can make it a habit...
he is getting so heavy!! mashallah mashallah :)


Blogger ... said...

aww what a perfect day, mashaAllah. look at that chubby little hand!

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy 3 mo birthday musi!

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look at the toes ...MashAllah. Babies are so precious, ofcourse till they are two. After that they are mean little monsters who poke forks on sockets and lock themselves in the hosue. Enjoy while you can...

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hah..its hands not feet..

12:50 PM  

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