The Glittering Caves

...evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the torches pass on into another chamber and another dream.

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Location: Maryland, United States

I'd rather be in Scotland. But I'm blessed where I am right now.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


my own and my brother's! there were some bad moments but otherwise it was fun! i still don't see how people with twins do it. and with what cousin koonj is saying about the daycare situation with six or seven toddlers/infants to one teacher, i am flabbermagasted. couldn't do it! can barely handle two, can't even manage my life properly with one. ah well...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my lord, issa is gettin cuter by the day mA!

11:19 PM  
Blogger أبو سنان said...

Sinan is 18 months, Sayf is 8 months. They are known as "Irish twins" in that they are very close in age.

They say it is actually worse than having twins. At least with twins they are on the same page, eating the same things, same diapers, crawling/walking about the same time.

Manal is a real hero in my book. I take care of them both a few hours here and there and it is rough.

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

baji: and issa is getting into more and more things by the day toooo...cant crawl quite yet but he can lunge and grab things, but he doesn't bother to check whether there is solid ground under where he lands...


9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ayesha, salam. Very very cute pic of the boys. I just noticed your dad has a blog - that's so cool! At first, I was so confused, wondering who the blogger was, and it seemed I knew the people he was talking about but then could not imagine who it could be. By the way, I actually met your cousin (koonj) one random day in Clarendon (I think) and her daughter and husband as well. I don't know if she remembers me. I was with Nadia Khan. Very nice people, we had a nice conversation. Anyway, again I'm commenting on the wrong post but that loneliness post - interesting to see that the commentators were all female, not to mention going through the exact same feeling. I also feel that way often, where it seems like too much hassle to socialize and almost pointless sometimes because that emptiness still hovers over you regardless of how many people are surrounding you. And alhamdulillah I am also very blessed to have such loving and caring people in my life. Interesting topic. Maybe we're meant to live in a collective society naturally and this is just a reaction to the change. Who knows... but iA I will make an effort to come see you and musa sometime soon.


1:02 PM  

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