The Glittering Caves

...evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the torches pass on into another chamber and another dream.

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Location: Maryland, United States

I'd rather be in Scotland. But I'm blessed where I am right now.

Monday, January 08, 2007

unplanned post

i wasn't going to post, but, i was logged in updating my links so i said what the heck. my good friend and writer NWS just joined the craziness with her own blog. mother of two as of eight weeks or so ago mashallah!
what else. musa pulled his first leaf off a houseplant a few minutes ago (it's a good thing i record all these things in the blog, because i certainly haven't written them in a journal or carefully penned them in his baby book). (i'm not sure "first leaf" will make it in anywhere else, to be honest).
have been thinking about doing a little baby update, though i wanted to do it in my journal. a digression here about journaling... i started when i was 11, and have written ever since - have a lovely collection of "blank books" of various sizes and patterns, filled with my musings and rants and streams of consciousness over 18 years (wow! never realized it was that long), but after i got married somehow it all went down the drain, and the journal which i started writing in on my honeymoon, is still barely halfway full (at least i remembered to pack it in my suitcase for the hospital before i went into labor).
but, it's easier to blog (unless you're doing it left-handed, single handed, while nursing, holding baby with your right arm, while he is kicking your typing arm with his right foot, like musa is now)... so, musa is nine months, mashallah, doubled his existence as i say. he is developing quite a temper, for having been such a chill baby in the early months. and he can still be by turns calmly curious, observant, playful, loving, silly. but by God, don't hold him down to clean his nose out, or change his diaper when he'd rather be climbing the dresser, or try to feed him when he's not interested. he's already actually throwing things (from the high chair at least) and making fists, sometimes even turning red in the face. soooo funny now, but i can see myself not laughing a year from now! mashallah. he is babbling voraciously, but the last few days he's picked one consonant - ba - and is making all sorts of variations on it, chiefly "bujoo bujoo" or "bayou bayou" - imagine a "shadda" on the middle consonant - and just keeps repeating it. often he sounds like he's saying "baby". we're trying to get him to say "mama", since the doctor said he's supposed to be saying mama and dada discriminately now, but i'm not so sure about this doctor anymore to be honest. he didn't even look at the new teeth, and thinks musa's waking at night is all down to hunger (just feed him more during the day, and feed him before nursing, he said,) and looked at me in shock when i said i was making all the baby food myself. i'm just not comfortable with any of that - and i KNOW musa's waking is not down to hunger. i would really like someone with a more holistic approach... he hasn't really told me anything that i haven't already read myself.

anyway. i had promised myself i would try to get some cleaning done today (oh, what a joyful promise!), so i am going to try to eat while musa is awake so i can clean when he goes down for a nap...


Blogger أبو سنان said...

The language thing is something most monolingual doctors dont get. Children who grow up in bilingual households tend to pcik up language slower, initially.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Ayesha said...

heh... well... i wish i could say we were a proper biligual household, but unless you count reciting qur'an and salaah out loud, or grandparents talking to him in punjabi, we're pretty much all english.
still, you made me feel better, jazakallahu khairan!! :)

6:52 PM  

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