The Glittering Caves

...evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the torches pass on into another chamber and another dream.

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Location: Maryland, United States

I'd rather be in Scotland. But I'm blessed where I am right now.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


two weeks ago i attended a funeral at which i saw my friend N's family, her mother and father, though N, who was visiting from out of town, had already left. the funeral was for one of my hubby's friends with whom he had first really started learning about islam; the guy's father had been one of the founding members of the masjid where the funeral was held. the young man was only 28, and killed in a single-car accident.
then sister mariam funches passed not a week later - i didn't know her, but one of her sons was a good friend of my hubby's. hubby said this was the first time in his life he had been to two funerals in one week.

then just last night i heard that N's father had suddenly passed away. so out of the blue! his janazah was held this morning at the same masjid where he had prayed for the soul of my hubby's friend just two weeks ago.
i have so much sorrow for my friend - her family is large and tight knit and her father was the loving patriarch, with sons and daughters and grandchildren galore all around him.

so please, please make duaa for these three, and all others who remind us that our time on this earth is set, that we can plan but Allah may have a different Plan for us, that we should always be aware of our mortality and therefore understand how precious a gift this life is. may Allah grant all of them peace and closeness to Him without reckoning in their new life...


Blogger Manal said...

May Allah have mercy upon their souls and may they rest in peace.......Ameen! May Allah help their families in a time of grief..

6:41 PM  

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