The Glittering Caves

...evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the torches pass on into another chamber and another dream.

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Location: Maryland, United States

I'd rather be in Scotland. But I'm blessed where I am right now.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

happy birthday musa!!!

my son is two today! there's only 20 minutes left for his birthday so i figured i would get in a blog post while it's still the day of.
danggit. got phone calls and then he woke up and i had to nurse him back to sleep (and he didn't nurse at all today otherwise, so don't worry, we're getting there!). and now it's not his birthday anymore. oh well!
i am so tired. been moving the last few days and it is soooooo exhausting. but we are going to england next week inshallah and that's keeping me going - i can't WAIT!!!
more later... i'm going to play a round of zuma and then lay me down and read something.


Blogger Suroor said...

Happy Birthday dear Musa!

11:20 AM  
Blogger bsc said...

May Allah make you the 'bestest' Muslim on the surface of this earth baitay and I love you soooo much Musa. Happy birthday and happy travel insha-Allah.
When I graduated in 1957, "England" was a dream country for us (me) and although I had no plans; in 1958 one of my patients touched my little finger(Literally) and told me "Sir, you will travel abroad but not until you are 28" I flew to England the day following my 28th birthday. So, you see I still consider that my dream country, but like you say, I am thankful to AllahSWT for Raleigh NC. Have a relaxing time there all of you. I may have to blog separately for the "touch" of finger, extremely interesting patient. Did I tell you the story?

5:06 PM  
Blogger Noor said...

Happy belated birthday Musa!!!

6:05 PM  
Blogger Taiyyaba said...

Happy Birthday Fasha! We love you.

And mubarrak on the new house :)

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow you're still nursing him? isnt 2 years the limit? wow. i'm still amazed.

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your son with lot of good prayers

6:42 AM  
Blogger Sophia Malik said...

happy bday to your cutie patootie :)

2:34 AM  

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