The Glittering Caves

...evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the torches pass on into another chamber and another dream.

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Location: Maryland, United States

I'd rather be in Scotland. But I'm blessed where I am right now.

Friday, January 26, 2007

finger wagging

yes, i am a finger-wagger. not to say "no", although i'm starting to do that with musa sometimes, and then immediately feel like a child playing old-fashioned adult, but i mean during namaaz - holding it up only to recite the shahada - then start wagging again.
i never did this growing up, but i went through a slightly hardcore phase while in edinburgh, (not that this is a hardcore thing to do), and i recall learning during a halaqa over "the prophet's prayer explained" that he would sometimes do this. so, not that it is required, but i got into the habit.

however, when you are praying in the same room as a crawling, exploring baby, there is very little more enticing to said baby than a wagging finger within crawling reach. so i will be in the second raka'ah and he comes dashing toward me and grabs my wagging finger and tries to wag it himself, occasionally to eat it. it's so sad when i have to stand up again and push him away! and sometimes difficult to control the laughter :)


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