The Glittering Caves

...evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the torches pass on into another chamber and another dream.

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Location: Maryland, United States

I'd rather be in Scotland. But I'm blessed where I am right now.

Friday, January 26, 2007

it is so irritating

that the washington post and new york times travel section articles almost always feature accomodations and trips that are waaaaaaaaaay way way way WAAAAAAAAY out of the budgets of anyone i know. and i'm not homeless or anything. alhamdulillah.

but i love reading these sections to find out about places to visit, and then i come to the end and it's like - the dinner here is $50 per person, or you can get two nights at $200 each. hello, if i want to spend that much money, i'll spend it on a plane ticket!! i'm not looking for youth hostel prices (though i'll take them if i find them!) but come on - isn't there any place out there that like, normal people can afford? at least if you're talking about a certain location, fine, mention the $200 B&Bs, but also mention there are some holiday inns or la quintas nearby or something.

or am i mistaken in assuming that i am normal? (no comments from hassan please)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

come ON how can i not respond when you ask whether you're normal??? you set yourself up for that one.

in any case, vacation advertising is a flagship of capitalism: the idea is that when you're on vacation, you shouldn't worry about how much you're spending. they tell you to make a generous "budget" because then you forget that you're paying $50 for dinner which, when you're at home, is a run to the grocery store that will feed your family of four for four days.

ps: you are highly abnormal.


7:59 PM  

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