The Glittering Caves

...evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the torches pass on into another chamber and another dream.

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Location: Maryland, United States

I'd rather be in Scotland. But I'm blessed where I am right now.

Monday, January 29, 2007

today i accomplished...

1) took a bath
2) partially cleaned bedroom
3) changed musa X times, including washing his squirmy stinky butt over a sink
4) went out to blockbuster, returned three movies and got "water" - will blog when i watch it
5) went to target and bought toilet paper and baby wipes, among other things!
6) fed musa pancakes and fruit in the morning, pizza and yogurt for lunch, a bit of fruity baby cereal in between, and cereal in chicken broth, baby carrots, pieces of chicken and trader joes os for dinner. VERY MINUTE amounts of the solid stuff, but, he ate! thats three meals!!
7) put the trash out
8) cleaned the kitchen, including running the dishwasher
9) and this is only the third time i have gotten online today!! (not including when i checked the weather just before going out)

it is almost 10 so i am going to try to wear musa out so i can put him to bed... last night we tried for about 20 minutes to get him to go to sleep without nursing - even in bed with us, he screamed like he was being abandoned or tortured.
anyone know whether it is possible to get a baby to sleep without nursing if you have a family bed?

firefox is not letting me type apostrophes or slashes, so i canNOT hyperlink or abbreviate my words!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did all that before 10am?! Wow Mashaallah alayki!

How old is Musa now? Are you trying to wean him off completely?

With Sufyan, I started to read him a book before sleeping (I did that anyway before but i stretched out the time); and then I tell him okay "Hug mama" and he hugs me and sleeps. Lately, he has been according his baba the sleeping routine (which includes bath/pajamas too)

It's easier when you are trying to wean, to stop the daytime feedings first...cut them one at a time...and leave the night to last because its the hardest.

But it is possible...with Sufyan, since I was sick and he was going on 20 months, I just told him "mama is sick" and stopped cold. He was pretty okay with it and even at night only fussed a little (it could be because he was older). Honestly, I miss nursing him....I think it was harder on me when it was all said and done!

2:39 PM  
Blogger Ayesha said...

10 PEE EMM maliha not 10 am!! heheh goodness. i was probably still in bed at 10 am... but your faith in me is humbling :)

musa is 10 mo and i want to go as close to 2 yrs as possible inshallah. i just want him to have the ability to fall asleep without nursing, to make it easier to NOT keep waking up at night and refusing to go back to sleep unless he nurses.

look, last night subhanallah was the FIRST TIME IN THREE MONTHS that he woke up less than four times in one night. it's been rough. i don't mind twice a night, which is what he was doing before 7 months. but 4-6 times a night is killin me. i can only hope we've turned a page and now i nshallah he's going in the right direction! i'll keep you posted ia. and thanks for the advice!
i love nursing too. it's going to be hard for me to wean him!!

6:07 PM  

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