if i don't make this list here, i never will, so here goes. not a complete list, i'll add to it as i remember...:
cereal (shuh) (since he's saying it right now)
mee (milk)
dudhu (urdu for milk, means my milk)
juice (joo)
orange (reej)
kiwi (kee)
apple (appuh)
pear (peah)
anda (urdu for egg)
bread (beh)
please (peas)
banana (aba)
grapes (pess)
waffle (aafoh)
shirt (shrrr)
socks (saah)
hat (ha ha)
toes (toe)
wee wee (yes, it's what you think)
spider man (ah-man)
tigger (ahkaa) (sounds just like when he says "our car", must use context clues to distinguish)
read (ree)
ammi (what i call my mom)
abbu (what i call my dad)
ma (waht we call my MIL)
dada (paternal grandfather)
kaka (paternal uncle)
mamoo (amoo or moomoo) (maternal uncle)
baji (beej) (his older girl cousin)
umbrella (aba)
flower (faa)
water (wa wa)
upstairs (uhtuz) (this generally refers to either up- or down-stairs, and means he wants to go that way)
nurse (nuh)
pee pee
and last week he starting copying my mom in saying my name - either "ayesha" - pretty clearly! - or "aashoo" - and he says something similar (asha) for his cousin, issa.
and he says this thing, that sounds like "aau pa tuh", randomly, over and over again, like he's trying to tell you something serious. no clue what it is.
at times he actually does pretty well communicating - a couple of weeks ago, he was in the living room, walking around without his pants (i had taken them off for some reason, i think he had spilled something on them) and i was just outside the gates, and he says, "mama! mama!," and i said "yes musa?" and he said "upstairs!" and then "pants!"... translation, "mama, i want to go upstairs because i need to put on some pants!"
and it's sooo funny even while it frustrates me to no end, when i am trying to chastise him about something, he looks guilty, looks away, then he changes his whole expression and tries to change the subject, usually by mentioning a grandparent's name...